The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem has been organized training cum awareness programme on vermicompost to SC farmers on 18.08.2021 at seminar hall of KVK, Paelm. Dr.T. prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem) briefed about the schedule caste- sub plan programme, the main aim of the distribution of vermibeds is efficient utilization of crop residues by decomposing them with the help of earthworms. So that the farmers can convert the waste into wealth which ultimately reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers. Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) spoken about the various methods of composting and preparation of vermicompost after that distributed ten vermibeds to the SC farmers under schedule caste- sub plan programme. In this programme all the staff of KVK, palem and ten SC farmers were participated.