Organized a Live streaming of 19th release of PM-KISAN Samman Nidhi Programme at KVK, Palem on 24.02.2025

Organized a Live streaming of 19th release of PM-KISAN Samman Nidhi Programme at KVK, Palem on 24.02.2025

KVK, Palem, Nagarkurnool District organized a live webcasting on 19th release of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (Kisan Samman Samaroh) and conducted Farmers Scientist interaction meeting at Auditorium, RARS, Palem on 24.02.2025. The programme started with webcasting of speech of Sri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 19th instalment funds directly into farmers’ accounts and mention that an amount of Rs.3.68 lakh crores has been transferred to more than 11 crore farmers in 19 instalments. The scheme will continue to strengthen the financial well-being of small and marginal farmers across the country. Dr.T.Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem addressed the gathering and highlighted the PM-KISAN scheme and other welfare schemes of the Government of India for the farmers and role of KVK for the upliftment of farming community of the district. Sri.M.Chandrasekhar, DAO, Nagarkurnool created awareness about various Government of India schemes related to agriculture and allied sectors. Sri.N.Uma Sankar, Chief Manager, MFL explained about balanced fertilization & Promoting the usage of organic fertilizers for soil health management. Alongside the webcasting, a training-cum-awareness programme was conducted on the production technology of rabi crops. Group discussions and interaction sessions were also organized to address the queries raised by farmers regarding cultivation practices. In this program stalls were laid and exhibited various models pertaining to natural farming, organic farming to promote innovative and sustainable agricultural practices. Outstanding farmers and farm women were also felicitated for their significant works in the field of agriculture, horticulture and climate resilient technology. In this programme, Sri.Vasu, ADA, Nagarkurnool Division, AOs, AEOs and KVK Staff were participated. A total of 258 farmers and farm women participated in the programme.