Kisan Mela-2022 (Farmer-Scientist Interaction) was organized in RARS,Polasaon the 17th November, 2022 involving 10 districts of NorthernTelangana Zone. Dr G Sreenivas, ADR, RARS, has given welcome address of KisanMela and briefed about the Significan achievements of NT zone. In this programmeHon’ble MLA, Jagtial Dr. Sanjay Kumar gar attended as chief guest and explained about the new varieties of NT zone and the utilization of innovative technologies agriculture.Similarly, ZillaParishad Chairperson Smt.DhavaVasanthagaruexplained the efforts of government and university scientists, non-teaching staff and workers to make available to technologies to the farmers. Dr. G.Manjulata, Principal Scientist,ARS, Karimnagar, briefed the farmers regarding Rabi/Summer cropscltivation. Dr. B. Srinivas, Scientist, RARS, Jagtialexplained about the direct seeded rice, Dr. V. ThirumalaRao,PS (cotton) explained about the high density planting system in cotton crop. Dr. Ravinder Reddy garuexplained briefly about the control of wild boars and monkeys menace in field crops. Similarly, MLA,KorutlaSri.VidyasagarRaogaruexplained about the efforts of the farmers in the economic development of TelanganaState with agriculture. Total 50 private companies (Fertilizers, Pesticides, Seeds) participated in this program and demonstrated their technologies. In this programmePJTSAU university authorities Dr. R. JagdeeswarGaru, Director of Research, Dr. V. SudharaniGaru, Director of Extensionand public representatives like District RythuBandhu Coordinator Sri. CheetiVenkataraoGaru, DCMS. Chairman Sri. Srikanth Reddygaru, D.A.O., JagtialSri. Suresh Garu, A.M.C. Chairman NakkalaRadhagaru,Sarpanch. Smt. G. BhartiGaru, Ag. College Dean Dr.Narender Reddygaru, Agriculture Polytechnic Principal Dr. Leela Rani garu, NorthernTelangana Zone Scientists, Non-Teaching Staff and labourers, students, farmers, news reporters and print and electronic media representatives were participated.